Friday, May 09, 2008

Friends celebrating Baha'i election in Haifa.

Delegates from just about every country, truly representing the peoples of the world, arrived in Haifa in April to elect the international governing body of the Baha'i community. The buildings at the Baha'i World Centre were illumined during the convention (these next 3 photos courtesy Poya Manouchehri - originally from Perth). Here is a flavour of the many visitors and friends attending various functions held in association with this election.

Manijeh Reyhani from Perth is shown here with Ella Wisniewski - a youth from Perth who is serving here along with Claudia Madjzoub from Germany.
Manijeh with Muna and Allan The friends from Vanuatu were well represented - here are Henry Tamashiro and Sam Nasse
Issac from New Zealand is a long time friend.
Vahid Saberi from Australia with Muna.
Mona Manouchehri from Perth is seen here with Muna and Roy Kalorib from Vanuatu.
Christine Krug, daughter Shana (in the background) are great friends.
Faeghe from the United States and Rashel Jahangirian - a youth from Perth - are sporting new sunglasses.
Allan forgot his sunglasses in this photo with Rashel.
Delegates from Australia - Kathryn Podger and Golshah Naghdy.
Bolor Batzorig from Mongolia with Brian Kurzius - both serve here with us.
Two delegates from the "stans"
A friendly face from New Zealand - Suzanne Mahon.
Henry Tamashiro from Vanuatu
Sohrab Bolouri from Tonga with Heather Simpson from New Zealand.
It was very special having all these and many more friends visiting.

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